Trends in Human Resource Management: Providing Leadership in Turbulent Times
Chandra Bhatnagar, Director, Staff Diversity and Affirmative Action/EEO Compliance
Rejeana Mathis, Lead Manager, Training and Development
Linda Gaddie, Director, Compensation, Benefits, and Employment Services
UCLA is a great institution with a distinguished history and a bright future that will enrich our city, state, country and the world. The promise of the future is dependent on continuing to attract, train, grow, and retain the best talent in the world. In the midst of unparalleled social challenges, changing workforce demographics, and evolving technologies, UCLA administrative leaders and HR professionals must not just embrace change –they must lead the change as well.The presenters will conduct a panel discussion where each will discuss two (2) key trends that will shape the future of UCLA in their respective areas and the opportunities that leaders across the campus have to adopt and adapt to the emerging issues. They will discuss the implications of trends related to People, Performance, Processes, and Value Proposition.
Panel attendees will receive key takeaways (tips, insights, resources, etc.) to help them leverage the forthcoming opportunities and mitigate perceived challenges facing UCLA and the field of public education.